Jessica Clendenning / Postdoctoral Fellow

Rachel Carson Center
Leopoldstr. 11a, 4. OG
80802 Munich

Email: jessica.clendenning [at]

Jessica is a human geographer interested in rural development, environment and generational change in peripheral areas of Indonesia and Southeast Asia.  Her PhD studied how agrarian change occurs among young people in Flores, Indonesia, some of which is described for its effects on young people’s aspirations forthcoming in the IDPR journal, and other work which is in progress. 

Jessica obtained her PhD in Geography at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2020.  She then held a one year (2020-21) Visiting Fellowship at NUS. Recently she moved to Europe to join the Environing Infrastructure team as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center, LMU Munich. Jessica’s research with the EI team examines how COVID-19 affects rural ways of living and working in eastern Indonesia. 

Professional appointments

2021 -2024.  Postdoctoral Fellow, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich.

2020-2021. Visiting Fellow, National University of Singapore.

2016-2020. Presidential Graduate Fellowship PhD Researcher, National University of Singapore.

2013-2016. Research Officer at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia.




2020. The inevitability of leaving and the impossibility of staying away: Rural youth migration and agrarian change in Flores, Indonesia. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). National University of Singapore.


Peer-reviewed articles and reports

2022. Between the village and the city: the in-betweenness of rural young people in East Indonesia. IDPR, forthcoming.

2019. Approaching rural young people: Background report for CGIAR’s Forests, Trees and Agroforestry Research Program Strategy for Youth. CGIAR.

2019. Sasmito, S.D., Taillardat, P., Clendenning, J., et al. Effect of land-use and land-cover change on mangrove blue carbon: A systematic review. Global Change Biology, 25(12): 4291-4302.

2018. Is education the golden plough? Inside Indonesia, Edition 231